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Shine, Always Shine

Jeff Gordon

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September 7 - At first glance I had some musical ideas in mind, so really glad that Cindy’s lyric was available for a collab. My aim was to keep it in the pop/rock vein but with a nod to African rhythms/sounds.

Cindy’s original note to her lyric post: I wrote this for my friends in Uganda.

Shine, Always Shine
© 2020 Cindy Prince

Big dark eyes that shine
Smiles to melt a heart

Life in the purest form

They are yours and mine
And a bigger part

Of love transformed

Shine, always shine
Find, always find
The beauty in everything
Smile, always smile
Mile after mile
Remember to sing…to sing

By strength
With wisdom
In depth
Keep the vision

Living day to day
With eternal knowing

Love is all there is

Always finding a way
To keep growing

For they are all His

Repeat chorus

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