Pink Kabunnikorn's listening history
Yet another RPM song, a bit of a blue one...
Another sleepless night
Back on the meds
Feels like the bed is shaking
Heart beating out of my chest
Lying six feet under
Roses on my grave
Feels like the end of the world
But I’m trying…
Another RPM song.
Everything must go
Everything I’ve ever known
I wish I had a cigarette
To clear my aching, sun-starved head
Everything is falling in slow motion
Everything slides into the ocean
We live until we’re dead
Lying and waiting…
Nothing Exciting Just a 4 Pattern 2 Track Example in Skale Tracker Showing The Use Of Phrazor On One Track & An AKAI Instrument with 3 Pattern FX On Another... Skale Does Not Have Tempo Sync So Phrazor's BPM Is Simply Matched To Skale's BPM…
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Nothing Exciting Just a 4 Pattern 2 Track Example in Skale Tracker Showing The Use Of Phrazor On One Track & An AKAI Instrument with 3 Pattern FX On Another... Skale Does Not Have Tempo Sync So Phrazor's BPM Is Simply Matched To Skale's BPM…