Paul Lisney's listening history

Paul Lisney's avatar
This ia song about the sanctity of life. How Long How long will it take ‘Til they find the answer? Life is sacred and endless hearts have been broken How long can you wait? Holding back your anger A child is innocent and to kill is not the…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is about the devotion, Jesus, King Of All Nations. I wanted it to sound like an anthem, not unlike Queen's WE WILL ROCK YOU. The end bit was inspired by the Beatles song, RAIN. JESUS, KING OF ALL…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is the two voice version for men's and women's voices. Being a tenor, I am singing both parts (making sure the women's part wasn't too high!)
Paul Lisney's avatar
I am in the process of writing a setting for Mass (Roman Catholic). This is the HOLY HOLY HOLY. It was written and recorded on guitar (key of C, capo 5th fret, plaing G). At some point I should arrange it for piano or organ so that it can be performed…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is an ancient Christian hymn which I have put my own melody to. I chose the verses from different translations of the Latin based on how they fit the melody. 9/29, 9/30/06…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is a poem by G. K. Chesterton set to music. A Child of the Snows There is heard a hymn when the panes are dim, And never before or again, When the nights are strong with a darkness long, And the dark is alive with rain…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is the Lord's Prayer or the "Our Father" as we Catholics call it. I have wanted to write a melody for the Our Father for a long time and I was so pleased when it finally came to me. Prayers can be very hard to write a melody to because they…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This was written probably about 25 years ago but the recording is from 2006. The production of it was really inspired by the band BIG COUNTRY.
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is what is said at the end of Mass "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord" "Thanks Be to God" (Deo Gratias)
Paul Lisney's avatar
These are the backing tracks for the full version of the song including the choral voices but minus the main vocal and harmony vocals. The song was created on a Roland XP-50 16 track workstation.