Paul Lisney's listening history

Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney's avatar
I recorded this over the holidays and it is my first recording for 2014.
Paul Lisney's avatar
Matt Talbot On the corner Matt Talbot stood waiting, waiting With his pockets empty and thirst raging, raging Hoping for a friend to pass by And invite him inside O’Meara’s for drink or two It was Dublin, Ireland, 1884…
Paul Lisney's avatar
I wrote this in the early 1990's during Desert Storm and after a conversation with my brother-in-law, Er4ic, t the time who was sent over there to fight.
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is one of three songs inspired by the book THE HEALING OF FAMILIES by Fr. Yosefu - B. Ssemakula. Only One The Lord gives, the devil takes One is love, the other, hate One will bless, the other, curse One reigns in…
Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel by Pope Leo XIII. I put it to my own melody a few years ago. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is the Lord's Prayer or the "Our Father" as we Catholics call it. I have wanted to write a melody for the Our Father for a long time and I was so pleased when it finally came to me. Prayers can be very hard to write a melody to because they…
Paul Lisney's avatar
This is one of three songs inspired directly by the book THE HEALING OF FAMILIES by Fr. Yosef - B. SsemKula. Choices Made Body and spirit are as one Choices made can live on Through the children, down the line Blessing or curse, you decide…
Paul Lisney's avatar
Matt Talbot On the corner Matt Talbot stood waiting, waiting With his pockets empty and thirst raging, raging Hoping for a friend to pass by And invite him inside O’Meara’s for drink or two It was Dublin, Ireland, 1884…