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The Good News

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This is my latest recording just finished last night - 1/30/17. It was written over the Christmas period and tells the salvation story in a simple way. It was recorded using a 12 string Breedlove, the main vocal and guitar recorded at the same time in the beginning of January, and the other two harmony lines were added more recently ( the third vocal last night). It was spread out because I had another song come to me while doing this one and have been working on both of them. The lyrics are below.


Creation perfect, before the Fall
God walked with Adam before the Fall
Temptation entered
And our parents disobeyed
The bond was broken, a debt to be paid

To redeem us after the Fall
Born to save us after the Fall
A lowly manger
Where our King lay his head
God’s own Beloved from heaven was sent

God, one of us, Emmanuel
True God from True God, Emmanuel
Ransomed to save us
To die in each place
And reconcile us to Father through grace

Proof of the Good News, He rose from the grave
As He had told them, on the third day
Without His rising
All would be in vain
But the Word became flesh and mankind was saved

A simple story, long foretold
Who will listen? Who will be bold?
The meek and humble or the haughty and proud
To every nation, His mercy abounds
To every person, His mercy abounds

(C) 2016 Paul Lisney 12/22/16 to 12/28/16
