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Jesus, King Of All Nations

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This is about the devotion, Jesus, King Of All Nations. I wanted it to sound like an anthem, not unlike Queen’s WE WILL ROCK YOU. The end bit was inspired by the Beatles song, RAIN.


Jesus, King of All Nations
Reign in mercy in all hearts
May our Eucharistic King
Be recognized over all the earth
Jesus, King of All Nations
Jesus, King of All Nations

No to Anger, No to hatred
No to war, Trust in God’s justice
Yes to mercy, Yes to forgiveness
Heed your King and return love for hatred

No to vengeance, No to violence
Christ your King suffered in silence
Don’t pretend His love has limits
See The Cross and all that is in it

Yes to Mother, Co-Redemptrix
Mediatrix of All Graces
Yes to Michael, Prince of Angels
Protect God’s Church and guard all His people

Yes to prayer, the world’s salvation
Yes to Eucharistic Devotion
Unite your prayers to the Suffering Jesus
Before His Daddy, Our King will bring us

Yes to prayer, faith in action
Lift up your hearts to our Father in Heaven
Forgive us Lord, as we forgive them
Thy Will be done on earth as in Heaven

11/?/01, 11/28/01, 11/29/01 © 2001 Paul Lisney
