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All That We Have

Paul Lisney

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i wrote this for the Martin Guitar and Lifespan guitar strings contest and didn’t get anywhere with it! it’s a simple song with a simple message to love one another as Our Lord loves us. it easy to say but hard to do! i initially called the song “Awaken” and this is the title it is under on You Tube.

All That We Have (Awaken)

Most are given seventy-odd years
To love one another
But only God knows when He’ll call you home
Don’t put off till tomorrow

For a lifespan might be counted in days
Or in months or years; who can fathom His ways?
Yes, a lifespan is all that we have to love one another

We were given a light to show the way
I‘m not ashamed to say it’s Jesus
But not to worry if you don’t know His name
For in true love He will find you

Just a lifespan, so don’t waste your days
Or the months or years He has sent your way
For a lifespan, long or short, is all we have to love one another

Awaken to love in your heart
Awaken to love in your life

Oh a lifespan might be counted in days
Or in months or years; who can fathom His ways?
Yes, a lifespan is all that we have to love

© 2012 Paul Lisney 1/02/12 1/03/12

Guest said

Nice song, Paul. Keep on calling the world to awaken to love!

Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

Hi Glenn, Glad you are enjoying the songs. Sorry, I don't have a facebook page but you can find me on You Tube. Paul

Guest said

awesome!! :) - glenn , philippines

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