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The Proods's favorite tracks

by The Proods


Somewhere South

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Due to be alive
I admit its nice to have a tan
Take another dive
Learn a lesson from my fellow man

Where do they go from here?
Somewhere south or somewhere near?

When do they get the time?
Some do pray Some do crime

How do they find their way?
Some go straight Some so gay

What do they hope to find?
They’re all deaf They’re all blind

Due to be alive
I admit its nice to have a tan
Take another dive
Learn a lesson from my fellow man

Where do they go from here?
Somewhere south or somewhere near?

When do they get the time?
Some do pray Some do crime

How do they find their way?
Some go straight Some so gay

What do they hope to find?
They’re all deaf They’re all blind

So you go out on the street
making love to those you meet
Have a kid and feel complete
You might
know some-
-thing that I

Where do they go from here?
Somewhere south or somewhere near?

When do they get the time?
Some do pray Some do crime

How do they find their way?
Some go straight Some so gay

What do they hope to find?
They’re all deaf They’re all blind

The past is past
Done haunting me
All I can say
is I’m sorry
Must be
the way I am
