Psychic Sperm's listening history

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
I got me a new Cajon. This is the first time recorded it (or played it for more than 30 seconds to be honest. My son keeps telling me to be quiet, then jumps on to it himself... ). Thank you G man for Playing guitar on this. Luv ya bro…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
This one is called "Chance"... One Guitar and one Vox... Chance W/M Tharek Mokbul Lyrics Throw another log on the fire. Let it Burn for one more day.. Take another chance on this Dice. Throw it until luck comes our way. Promise…
Psychic Sperm's avatar
Every time is sexy time!
Andrew Russe's avatar
A tale of keeping your head above the water, or not... Recorded Jan-Feb 2011. I wrote it many years ago, never thought I'd ever do anything with it. I intended to record this with just an acoustic and my new EDB (electric upright bass…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A few months back we had a "Beatlesfest" on I contributed this and Yesterday. This one's a bit of a departure for me. Not the song itself - it's been one of my favourites ever since I was tiny (I preferred Robin Gibb's…
Andrew Russe's avatar
One of my two contributions to a "Beatlesfest" we had over on a few months back. I still can't believe I covered this... having done it though, it feels like nothing is sacred. And, more worryingly, I feel I might possibly…
Andrew Russe's avatar
The old tin geetar... Did this one sometime in 2009 on a Boss MBR. I'd recently joined what became and PJ (Wiley) posted a bass/drum track for us ubiquitous blues guitarists to solo over. I decided to go a different route…
Andrew Russe's avatar
This is a collaboration with a prolific chap called James Higgins (oldrottenhead on, based on an instrumental of mine from a couple of years ago: I was quietly minding my own business…
Psychic Sperm's avatar
The title says it all. Literally.
Psychic Sperm's avatar
The Devil blocks your view at the drive-in, and steals some of your snacks. What an asshat.