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Fishers of Men

Psychic Sperm

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You might have thought you had a fresh stock tip you know
Another couple days and you’ll be buying
There’s no way that’s an historic photo
The lewd subtext - it makes you guess

Penny stocks - mortgage free
Cheater’s tells everyone should see
I’ll admit that woman is attractive
It’s like a beacon for me

In the full breast of time you might wonder what you’ve steered
Did my clickbait move mountains?
Some were called long ago to be fishers of mankind
Is this grift what they meant?

There are sweet mysteries that yield wonderment and fear
These are not from those seas

Now we reap what the data drove
Words assaulting your mind
It’s so stupid it might just work

So much thought rendered gauche; Work festooned with screaming hustlers
So seamless; such progress
The obit had no cost; just an autoplaying scene
To stop our foot fungus

There are sweet mysteries that yield wonderment and fear
These are not from those seas

Now we reap what the data drove
Words assaulting your mind
It’s so stupid it might just work

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