The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's listening history

AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. I was planning to write a love song, but .. it didn't quite come out that way. 3/11/12 - I re-recorded the first verse with better-sounding vocals. I'm leaving the version on the RPM Jukebox…
emperorfunband's avatar
emperorfunband's avatar
emperorfunband's avatar
one take open tuning noodle with a bunch of guitar lines thrown on top... a little on the long side and pretty rough but has some nice moments about 3/4 of the way through.. reminds me of sitting on our porch during the summer evening in the…
emperorfunband's avatar
hid my phone in the room where my 3 year old was playing and caught some audio- in it at one point he exclaims "obey the man!"... the "man" he was referring to was actually batman but I thought it would make a really funny reggae line- even if…
emperorfunband's avatar
hid my phone in the room where my 3 year old was playing and caught some audio- in it at one point he exclaims "obey the man!"... the "man" he was referring to was actually batman but I thought it would make a really funny reggae line- even if…
emperorfunband's avatar
hid my phone in the room where my 3 year old was playing and caught some audio- in it at one point he exclaims "obey the man!"... the "man" he was referring to was actually batman but I thought it would make a really funny reggae line- even if…
emperorfunband's avatar
this was a little audio scrap book of some of our youngest sons favorite knock knock jokes enhanced with some tastey harmonized guitar... a family favorite
emperorfunband's avatar
this was a little audio scrap book of some of our youngest sons favorite knock knock jokes enhanced with some tastey harmonized guitar... a family favorite
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Title track of my new project, as my other group? The Seven Spiders. This song is experimental dub influenced chamber music, I am exploring the possibilities of humour in music trying to make the music itself amusing ... if that makes any sense…