Quetzalcoatlus's listening history

Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Known for their lavish live performances and for hiding their identities under futuristic toaster masks that function as actual toasters, Polish house duo Senior Citizen Disco released their final album Space Toast in 2010. Since then, member…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Vexatious Phlegm is the primary performing moniker of Zeke Korma. Initially known for fronting the indie rock group Shackbuilders from 1986 to 1991, Korma's more recent work is typified by hypnotic repetition and personal, stream of conscious…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I've had these lyrics around a while - an older version of this song, just called "Casual Sin", is also available on the "Experimental Dandelion Farm" compilation.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I've had these lyrics around a while - an older version of this song, just called "Casual Sin", is also available on the "Experimental Dandelion Farm" compilation.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
The lyrics are loosely based on one of the strangest events I've witnessed while on public transportation (hey, maybe this is a concept album about commuting after all). The story is in fact pretty accurate until the end - despite the guy's sweet…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
A while ago, I made a short little ambient loop I didn't really know what to do with. Eventually, I decided it sounded like hold music and this spoken word-ish piece resulted. Maybe it will function as a skit on my next album.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I started working on this before David Bowie passed, but I titled it in tribute because it was kind of inspired by the second side of Low, an album that helped kindle my interest in ambient electronic music.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Moon trees are trees grown from seeds that were taken into orbit around the moon during the Apollo 14 mission. I sometimes hit the random article button on Wikipedia until I get an evocative-sounding article title, then store it away for just…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
"No Wake Entire Lake" was the cryptic content of a warning sign in front of a lake that someone once posted to Faceboook. I like that this ended up with kind of a "bouncy" feel, while still fitting in with the ambient theme .
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Jack Shetland is my dog - that is, he is a Sheltie and at some point I decided part of his breed's name was also his last name for some reason. The cover image of him lounging on my porch didn't exactly inspire this track, but I felt the two went…