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Vexatious Phlegm is the primary performing moniker of Zeke Korma. Initially known for fronting the indie rock group Shackbuilders from 1986 to 1991, Korma's more recent work is typified by hypnotic repetition and personal, stream of conscious…
Known for their lavish live performances and for hiding their identities under futuristic toaster masks that function as actual toasters, Polish house duo Senior Citizen Disco released their final album Space Toast in 2010. Since then, member…
Semi-freestyle. Once I met a child who thought that everyone had a dog. I figured an album named for a dog pun with an AI generated dog on the cover should include actual canine content.
Explicit content. A friend found a video of an interesting filmed social interaction in a store and suggested I sample it.
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This was made at the absolute last minute, but I like it's simple, ambient qualities.
Entirely performed on empty beer bottles, this piece was inspired by a frozen New England night.
Another one of my fake bit pieces, composed entirely with pitch-shifted square waves.
This song is mainly toy accordion, so I couldn't resist the pun.
"Windblown cellophane" is part of the deliberately unintelligible chant bit of "Operation Enduring Freedom Tennis Court", so maybe I should have used this title for that song instead.
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11 minutes and 11 seconds of ambient droning for 11/11/11. Basically I played a short improvised keyboard melody, slowed it down a lot and added copious echo, then layered some sped up or slowed down segments of the same recording over that. I…
Not sure what genre this is in, other than "noisy". I also don't think it's finished, I'm just throwing up what I've got thus far.
Written for a member of an online community I'm in. She'd fallen ill, so one of us organized personal care packages for her: Mine included a mix CD, and what better way to personalize such a thing than with a cheesy motivational rap song?
Composed in digital performer for a course in computer music. Some of the presets reminded me of Kraftwerk, so I thought I'd attempt something in that style. "The doom house" was my sister's nickname for her place of residence at the time.
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Lyrics, Vocals, and Acoustic by Mason P.
All other instruments by Lane Sullivan
Recorded: Feb 2020 for the RPM Challenge
Remixed/Mastered (v1): June 21, 2020
Downtempo, Trip-Hopish instrumental.
No. 4 is a much more lively 2 minuter, before I probably return to the more epic Movie/Video Game trailer style of creation. Always interested to hear how people visualise the music - the good lady saw a lavish Regency style ball in full flow…
This song was written after I had watched a documentary about Jonestown, which featured music from their choir. They were very talented and I couldn't help wondering if any of them had survived. I'd like to think that there were a couple of 'em…
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Formed in Melbrooks, Newfoundland, Smug Drugglers are the duo of Tim and Jim Druggler. "Acid Waltz" is taken from the album Butt Dust, said to be recorded under the influence of a potent mixture of carbona and marinara sauce.
World War Nine
I find this so-called Butt Dust intriguing & wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
A song about riding a train, in the style of early synth pop.
Hanging on my closet, I have a sticker for Narraganset beer and a mock-road-sign reading "Dystopia" with an arrow pointing both directions. The juxtaposition was unintentional, but I decided I liked it.
The Dystopia name works here. It sounds like the sort of song that would play the first day after the end of the world in some eight bit chip-tune reality. It's kind of bittersweet.
An unlicensed Castlevania knockoff rush-released in 1986, Demon Fate Nosferatu Castle is now chiefly remembered for its extremely repetitive soundtrack, a short theme that would be looped continuously throughout gameplay. An urban legend had it…
This song isn't actually connected to Castlevania at all - It's just that as I was writing it, it started to remind me of the games, so I decided to make up the above fake backstory.
My name’s Mike, and I’ve been making weird electronic music since 2000.
from Boston, US
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