Quetzalcoatlus's listening history

Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
This is actually another melodica-based track, you just can't tell due to excessive pitch-shifting.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Fun with melodica loops. Title taken from a machine-translated Japanese Pizza Hut website.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
The bell-like instrument that starts this off is actually a steel pan being pitch-shifted to different notes.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I came up with "Robot Pizza Militia" because I just wanted a title with the initials RPM, but oddly it did end up fitting the song.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
While adding effects to a song, I accidentally put distortion on a leftover silent recording. I kind of liked the hum that resulted and made the rhythm track out of that.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
For whatever reason this album ended up having a lot of songs that could be low-budget horror movie themes.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
You've been trying to beat a really hard NES game for months on end. You finally beat that last boss and you get treated to... a comically anticlimactic 8 note fanfare and a short congratulation in broken English.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Second track completed for the album after "Buzz Break". Spot the anagram.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
All sounds on this were originally played on a cheap battery operated keyboard.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
The bell-like instrument that starts this off is actually a steel pan being pitch-shifted to different notes.