alonetone radio: Popular


Jacob Talkington's avatar
This is one of my first ambient tracks, and it's been made up largely of sounds I've captured on a handheld recorder over the last five or so years. Dark, and more than a little creepy.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
So I got Stylus RMX and this was my first attempt to use it multi-timbrally in Logic. It was accompanied by Elysium playing Omnisphere and me playing Reaktor on the keyboard. I still have no idea how to come up with bass lines so this was me playing…
Thoughtcrime.'s avatar
This one is about a person named Sarah, who is awesome. And stuff. This song is not as good as the person as it is for. Samples are from a thing on
Thoughtcrime.'s avatar
I played dulcimer on this song, which is pretty cool. I bought it for $15 from someone in Dover, and I am thankful of whoever they are to this day, because it is a pretty cool instrument. That's it. This song is about rabbits being annoying and…
Thoughtcrime.'s avatar
I am awkward at speaking French. This song talks about it, and shows it. Good. I had to record the vocals on a computer mic, so they are pretty bad and rushed. "J'essaye de parler francais, mais il semble habituellement errone. Yes, I try to…
Thoughtcrime.'s avatar
There was a lot more potential for this song at one point. I had actually written a full on song and was ready to record it with a story I had written for a phonecall answering machine over the top involving a mental patient, but I couldn't get…
Thoughtcrime.'s avatar
The guitar and vocal tracks were recorded in the hallway of my apartment, to get that crazy huge reverb. Then I re-did everything else over the top. The lyrics were written in less than the time of the song itself, so don't expect...good. The…
Thoughtcrime.'s avatar
My friend Nihco and I found the piano and vibes sitting on the stage after school one day, and there happened to be some mics near both of them. The background noise is actually people who were sitting and talking in the hall, as we were too lazy…
kcynthiag's avatar
Paprika soundtrack, Jorge Ben and Kussen Verboten
tanizaki's avatar
A ukulele cover of a '00s classic. Never had one lesson!
Sonador's avatar
An unfinished song recorded in March 2007. A guitar was recorded for the bass part and afterward the pitch was shifted an octave down using Audacity. The drums are M$ MIDI mapper drums, and the vocals were recorded using a computer mic. Everything…
Sonador's avatar
Recorded Nov 16 through Nov 27, 2007; Guitars (left/Right, before solo), Drums, and Guitar through an Octave Pedal recorded on a Tascam Portastudio 424 MKIII. Vocals and Guitar (Right, during and after solo) recorded to computer. Drums arranged…
Sonador's avatar
Bass Heavy Guitar and Hydrogen Drums recorded Jan 9, 2008; Lead Guitar and Vocals recorded Jan 15, 2008; All tracks recorded in one take to a Tascam Portastudio 424 MKIII.
Sonador's avatar
Guitar and Drums recorded Oct 16, 2008; Vocals and Bass recorded on Oct 19, 2008. Drums arranged with DrumTrack.
Sonador's avatar
About a trip to Des Moines, Iowa, more info here.
Modern Science's avatar
Modern Science's avatar
Modern Science's avatar
Modern Science's avatar
Modern Science's avatar