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alfredo slut's avatar
something personal. its about my emotions
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alfredo slut's avatar
this is the only decent thing i've ever written,,,,,
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So?ing Machine's avatar
Sometimes you just need to get wacky and beat everything into the master limiter as hard as possible. right Title calls back to Romanticize the Bitter from last FAWM, since it ended up with a similar arc, and it was just romancy day, and I…
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trawnajim's avatar
Ok, a bit of hubris in the title, but why not? Three pocket radios and an electric guitar. One of the radios was tuned near the upper end of the FM band (104.1 Mhz) and placed on the pick-up of the guitar; the other two were nearby, tuned to a…
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Newbold's avatar
charlene's work first version
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charlieferret's avatar
messed up
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Newbold's avatar
a mix from last week I don't know why it took a week to see that both songs were about 8 and a half minutes and should be mixed together but there it is now. :) enjoy ---
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erocnet's avatar
Source: Prep Piano
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erocnet's avatar
Source: Prep Piano
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gorokuexpress's avatar
Accomplish HBO Go activate setup to stream your favorite movies and TV shows. All you have to do is sign in to your TV provider account and promote the HBO Go channel registration code to the channel official website. However, the HBO Go channel…
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myrokucomlink's avatar
Are you looking for the assistance on connecting Roku to wifi without Remote? Then visit the roku com link website at or call at +1-866-488-8350. They will guide you anytime.
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123hpcomdj's avatar
The HP Wireless printer 3630 helps you to scan, copy and print with the help of Inkjet printing technology. You can download the printer driver using the driver CD. However, you can take help of the direct Wi-Fi as well as the HP Smart application…
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Robert Palomo's avatar
Just something I've been working on for an audio production course. Very early Stan, and as far as I know the only track to feature a banjo. It's the story of a tragic shipwreck that also says 'tis an ill wind as blow no one any good! Ability…
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erocnet's avatar
På Mé Fritt - Att Åka Bil Roger Sundström (Keyboard, Bordelands App, Toy Flute) Fredrik Mikalsen (Bass, Waterphone, Toy Trumpet) Tommy Holmgren (Drums)
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The Great Red Dragon's avatar
Commercial for RAWF's Immortal PPV Uploaded February 16th 2019 10:12 p.m. EST
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trawnajim's avatar
Recording of the upstairs neighbours (first UP) with 20x speed/pitch increase (second UP). Interesting and unexpected things happen as a result. Submitted to Sound-In for 14-17/2/2019.
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