Haltia's listening history

igor's avatar
Muted strat - what could be better for a quiet holiday for one?
igor's avatar
Tango, yeah... It often seemed to appear as displaying the life itself, but in reality it's just... ~tired passion~
igor's avatar
Where to go away everything that we created? To nowhere, I guess. So, the show goes on. Or: tomfoolery all the way, yeah!
Haltia's avatar
This song was written in an island where stoneman has really lived long time ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0IS2f0j4SU
henwrench's avatar
launched's avatar
A song about falling asleep on the couch, so there is no mystery to it! But the loose change is in the cushions, lights and tv are on, and the oven has been set to 350 for several hours :) One vocal & acoustic take with a harmony and noodle…
stoman's avatar
I'm not sure if John really had intended to write a funny lyric, but we thought it was funny - and so this became a funny song. At least I think so. :) In the beginning there was a stupid little synth demo. This is what became of it with a…
henwrench's avatar
henwrench's avatar
blah blah blah
henwrench's avatar
I want you to fling my ashes into the face of the person who annoyed me last....