Jack Denlinger's listening history

Jack Denlinger's avatar
This song is basically one scale which is cool. But it can get boring.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
I started out with a shape on my fretboard and kept splitting it 1/2 step down and came up with this orchestral electronic sounding riff. Then I slowly added the other parts one by one finally adding the wind to give it a sailing feel. Very cool.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this starts with a very simple hard rock beat. then it starts gettin funky then it gets jazzy. somebody said they'd like to dance to it. knock yourself out.
Coolparadiso's avatar
He wrote me a letter one day it said Im sorry i have to go I didn’t understand the significance But i was only 6 you know V He said son be a brave boy Look after your mum for me This sickness has a hold now So what will be will be…
coelocanth's avatar
A mash of tracks by James Bailey (Climbing the Rocky Path) and Jim Goodin (In Sine) for the Up! Sound-In weekly event. Mix by Kavin.
albinoSQUIRREL (Todd Larsen)'s avatar
"We Would Love To" Instrumental Space Rock albinoSQUIRRELmusic (c) Guitar, Synths, and Bass by me Drums are from loops Enjoy!
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this is an ambient meditative background track.
dukedejazz's avatar
Jack Denlinger's avatar
just trying out a new guitar effects plugin called "amplitude"
Jack Denlinger's avatar
funk, fusion, outer space, high tech, dance mix if there is such a thing. jazz dance rock fusion