Jack Denlinger's listening history

Jack Denlinger's avatar
a slow soulful jazzy dreamy groove
Jack Denlinger's avatar
This song is an exercise with different time signatures and experimenting with new guitar tones
Jack Denlinger's avatar
This song is basically one scale which is cool. But it can get boring.
Jack Denlinger's avatar
a slow soulful jazzy dreamy groove
Jack Denlinger's avatar
funk, fusion, outer space, high tech, dance mix if there is such a thing. jazz dance rock fusion
Jack Denlinger's avatar
more of a jazz flavor. playing with some interesting jazz chords jazz
Jack Denlinger's avatar
found a really cool drum loop and built this song around it. jazz fusion rock
Jack Denlinger's avatar
i really don't know what i'm going to create until after i create it. I usually start with a drumbeat and start making it up with no direction in mind. rock jazz fusion
Jack Denlinger's avatar
Neal Young wrote this song. I just recreated it using logic pro. no samples were taken from the original recording. it is not for sale. it just showcases my sequencing and guitar playing abilities. If I am violating any rules i will take it down…
Jack Denlinger's avatar
this is kind of a ripoff of a song by soft machine called Out-Bloody-Rageous theirs is 10 times better