Richard Shekari's listening history

Richard Shekari's avatar
Every Season Verse 1: Another brighter day to bask in Your love. You’re our hope, Lord, come what may. Like yesterday, when You saved us from the storm, You’re always our hope, Jesus, come what may. Lord, You’re the pillar beneath my…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Call On The Lord Verse 1 Open our eyes Lord that we may see Your glory Open our ears that we may hear Your voice Verse 2 Deliver us O God we call on You today Show us the way that we may follow You Chorus Glory to the Lord, who lives…
Richard Shekari's avatar
MY CROWN VERSE ONE: In Your palms You wrote my name I’m not worthy LORD, yeah With Your blood You saved my soul I’m not worthy LORD, yeah You dragged Your Cross with me in Your thoughts, yeah Later nailed on that Cross; laid down Your…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Celebrate the Cornerstone Verse 1: The First and The Last The Stone that the builders rejected Has become the Chief Cornerstone The building made without hands Is built upon Him. Chorus: Hallelujah, salvation has come through Him; We…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Your Footsteps Verse 1 (John): The wind blows but we don’t know where it comes from. Holy Spirit breathe in me that you may lead me and work in my life, To do Your purpose right here in this world. Chorus: Teach me Your ways, O Lord;…
Richard Shekari's avatar
MY CROWN VERSE ONE: In Your palms You wrote my name I’m not worthy LORD, yeah With Your blood You saved my soul I’m not worthy LORD, yeah You dragged Your Cross with me in Your thoughts, yeah Later nailed on that Cross; laid down Your…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Celebrate the Cornerstone Verse 1: The First and The Last The Stone that the builders rejected Has become the Chief Cornerstone The building made without hands Is built upon Him. Chorus: Hallelujah, salvation has come through Him; We…
Richard Shekari's avatar
MY CROWN VERSE ONE: In Your palms You wrote my name I’m not worthy LORD, yeah With Your blood You saved my soul I’m not worthy LORD, yeah You dragged Your Cross with me in Your thoughts, yeah Later nailed on that Cross; laid down Your…
Richard Shekari's avatar
A Dream Come True Verse 1 (John): What manner of Man is this Even the wind and the sea obey Him. What manner of Man is this Who heals the sick and raised the dead. Verse 2 (John): Could this be the Son Of God Sent down from the Father…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Roar of Praise Chorus: If you can’t sing, roar. Shout for the Lord. If you can’t sing, roar. Come, let’s praise the Lord. (2x) Verse 1: Raise your flags, all ye nations; wave them all for the Lord. His blood cleanses us all; to Him…