richaux's listening history

richaux's avatar
'Miserere' is a melancholic song about the absence of god that sounds like synth pop but with harmonies from a church choir. *Lyrics* Miserere Have mercy on me So tenderly cleanse me though I don't believe Through your dark deeds you cannot…
richaux's avatar
'Miserere' is a melancholic song about the absence of god that sounds like synth pop but with harmonies from a church choir. *Lyrics* Miserere Have mercy on me So tenderly cleanse me though I don't believe Through your dark deeds you cannot…
richaux's avatar
'Miserere' is a melancholic song about the absence of god that sounds like synth pop but with harmonies from a church choir. *Lyrics* Miserere Have mercy on me So tenderly cleanse me though I don't believe Through your dark deeds you cannot…
richaux's avatar
It's awful quiet here In the graveyard Playing Hamlet to your ghost It's so healthy here To start a graveyard You need to shoot a man or two It's so idyllic here In the bud yard Flowers only fail when they are plucked So raise…
richaux's avatar
Left behind to toe the line They have all cashed out now You're out of time Left without grape on the vine That bottle's drained out now You're out of time Leave now (or they get you) Leave now (or they get you) Leave now (or they…
richaux's avatar
Left behind to toe the line They have all cashed out now You're out of time Left without grape on the vine That bottle's drained out now You're out of time Leave now (or they get you) Leave now (or they get you) Leave now (or they…
richaux's avatar
Graffiti on the Hollywood sign You left your mark For all to see it clear Graffiti on the Hollywood sign You left your mark For all to see it clear If you haven't got the time To get your point across clear Never fear Graffiti…
richaux's avatar
Hot air and history That's what this place is famed for You'll see there in the tree The scars and burns they're shamed for They shout loud It's all history You stand proud It's your own, we can see
richaux's avatar
Graffiti on the Hollywood sign You left your mark For all to see it clear Graffiti on the Hollywood sign You left your mark For all to see it clear If you haven't got the time To get your point across clear Never fear Graffiti…
Newbold's avatar
Oboe French Horn effects 1 The universe is One thing. There's really no barriers or divisions between anything. So, my video art will still be experimental structures with new meanings from each persons perspective based on their life experiences…