richaux's listening history

wilsun's avatar
“It’s My Life” was written and recorded on February 24-25, for the 2024 RPM Challenge. "It's My Life" written by W. Ng.
wilsun's avatar
“It’s My Life” was written, recorded, and mixed on February 24-25, for the 2024 RPM Challenge. "It's My Life" written by W. Ng.
richaux's avatar
I place a dust sheet over chairs Where we would sit, hold each other tenderly No need to dwell on it No need to dwell here for long It feels like time has moved Where we spilt wine and paint all on carpet tessellations Conversations empty…
richaux's avatar
I wear black It reflects on my mood Stirring, restless, unfulfilled I tell you, it's not being cool I still wear black It reflects on my mood Stirring, restless, unfulfilled I'll level, it's not for cool When I'm calling I'm falling…
richaux's avatar
'Miserere' is a melancholic song about the absence of god that sounds like synth pop but with harmonies from a church choir. *Lyrics* Miserere Have mercy on me So tenderly cleanse me though I don't believe Through your dark deeds you cannot…
Olive Astronaut's avatar
VERSE I Lettuce in first To build a foundation Everything else is up to you It these choices that you make, pour it on that create the moment you have waited for PRE CH These tines, plunging in CHORUS And we are all so intricate…
richaux's avatar
Build an impression Straight brush, curving round Claude's subtle gestures Light touch, hence no sound Heart never opened Hardly dented Not a great state To leave your pillow or your soul When you ignore me Then final warnings sound…
richaux's avatar
Now then I can't listen As it offends my sensibility, yep I hold the truth high Those bears, they need a-baiting And there's a loom to weave Show me your intention Deny the next idea Show me your intention Deny the next idea Check…
richaux's avatar
This will be about grief This will be about love This will be about missing you Will be about love This will be 'bout you being gone I've sung this before This will be 'bout me moving on I've clung tight to this before I don't need release…
richaux's avatar
I think that I'm Incapable of thought I craft and work As that's what I've been taught But see no joy in Rothko or Matisse Their brushstrokes leave me cold A value you can't teach Teach me to feel pain Teach me how to love I think that…