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Liner Notes
Was thinking of flexing the vocal synths – rather than trying to disguise them – but they just grated – even more than usual! So went for a subtler, um, heavy breathing motif. Maybe I’ll get bolder with the vocal gymnastics going forward. 🤔

When you see me
Think of that time
Put your hand up
Take a slow climb out of there

When you see me
Think of that time
Put your hand up
Admit what you have been to us

I’m looking for a way out
You’re claiming that you’ve found that for me
I’m looking for an answer
You’re claiming that you’ve found that for me

I’ll take it from here
Take a breather
Put your hand down
Take back some time

Take it from me
There’s nothing you’ve done
Put your hand up
You’re going to burn

I’m looking for a way out
You’re claiming that you’ve found that for me
I’m looking for an answer
You’re claiming that you’ve found that for me

Tell me how because I’m looking for a way out
You’re claiming that you’ve found that for me
I’m looking for your answer
You’re claiming that you’ve found that for me
