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I don’t sing many songs: this one’s a duet with Sarah, who can hold a note.
Piano sound from Verve (the plug-in, not the band). I like the affected sounds: like socks & nails stuffed in the wires. Wonky zither from Vital, drone from x-series, BBC orchestral, Sarah from Vocaloid. Obligatory UAD and CS synths too, no doubt.
It’s dark and it’s raining
But there’s nowhere that I’d rather be
It’s dark and degrading
But I can’t see past
What’s clearly laid in front of me
And it makes me warm
And it keeps a torch for me to see by
There’s no need to hide
What the reason is, inside
You’re the one that saves me
Take my hand
Come and heal me
Take my hand
Reveal me
Lay down your head
I will not be blind
Now rest your eyes
Be mine