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Lights Out

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Song 6 for my 2024 RPM challenge. Got the guitar and bass out for this one. It’s a song with a lot of dissonance and so is kind of weird. But here it is anyways. Definitely not for everyone’s ears.

Anything, anything you say…
Anything, anything you say…
Is the light out, the light out, again?
Be what, be what you may
Is the light out, the light out, again?

But maybe it’s,
Maybe it’s you?
Holding me back but
Getting me through
Over my head
tears me in two
tears me into

Been travelling
Travelling for days
Is it dark out, dark out, again?

Wandering your maze
Is it dark out, dark out again?
Are the lights out, the lights out again?

But maybe it’s,
Maybe it’s me?
Holding us back
Lost out at sea
Over our heads
Torn into three
Torn into three

Do you wonder
Where this goes
With the lights out
Growing cold…er
And Colder

Over our heads
Now where to hide
Say what you will
it kills me kills me kills me
And it kills me, kills me, kills me

so who are you

It kills me kills me kills me

acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

Wow, you really got the dissonance working to your advantage. Good job. Some push and pull as well. Weird yup, but my ears like it.
