Rick Phillips's listening history

etheric loopz's avatar
This is a drum&bass track using a couple of speech samples from the Glengarry Glen Ross movie. Funny how that movie is still 'modern' even today :]
Rick Phillips's avatar
Since Norm found himself in an acoustically great room, full of unfinished cabinets I couldn't help but add some acoustic guitar, crank it up and hope you like it Norm!
vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Since Norm found himself in an acoustically great room, full of unfinished cabinets I couldn't help but add some acoustic guitar, crank it up and hope you like it Norm!
Norm's avatar
This is the very last of the stink recorded in my old studio. A spontaneous improvisation on Congas and Bata drums (dressed ceremonially with bells).
Norm's avatar
My Gon-Bops congas getting to know my new space. 180bpm. Gated & Phased. As in phased-out.
Norm's avatar
So, what's "Fly"? This. Bass Cajon; tambourine; congas; cymbals. 4/4 180bpm.
Norm's avatar
This is the very last of the stink recorded in my old studio. A spontaneous improvisation on Congas and Bata drums (dressed ceremonially with bells).
Norm's avatar
My Gon-Bops congas getting to know my new space. 180bpm. Gated & Phased. As in phased-out.
Norm's avatar
This is the very last of the stink recorded in my old studio. A spontaneous improvisation on Congas and Bata drums (dressed ceremonially with bells).