Ross Spencer's listening history

jazzsequence's avatar
Ross Spencer's avatar
Wanting to clear away the debris of the arguments that keep us apart, I chose the axe and took it to the root of the problem.
Ross Spencer's avatar
This evening I couldn't get any satisfaction, so I struck out in to new territory, whacked a load of reverb and echo on everything and set off. This is what I found.
Ross Spencer's avatar
I'm going to pursue this one I think; the stepped up Jazz/drum n' bass/dub step angle. Ok the beats are just loops dropped in from GarageBand, but I had having fun shaping the track.
Ross Spencer's avatar
I don't often make digital music, it takes longer than making films! This one minute took about 6 hours, which seems like a long time to me.
Ross Spencer's avatar
I'm going to pursue this one I think; the stepped up Jazz/drum n' bass/dub step angle. Ok the beats are just loops dropped in from GarageBand, but I had having fun shaping the track.
paul bali's avatar
Mannequin Races's avatar
This is my newest song made using Reason 4. Compositionally it might get slightly repetitive but I am hoping that there is enough variation that it will keep the listeners attention through the whole piece. Enjoy and let me know what you like…
Flu's avatar
Flu's avatar