Rob and Laura's listening history

AMUC's avatar
"In a reformatted world with deleted people, there are still enough dead links that some individuals might indirectly be aware of the existence of those deleted. To everybody else, they'd seem either spiritual and/or mentally imbalanced…
AMUC's avatar
Hurtling towards oblivion thanks to a giant catapult owned by a foul-mouthed voodoo child, he sends a final lewd finger gesture back to the world he sought escape from. Unbeknownst to him, Voodoo Boy may have a vested interest in using him…
AMUC's avatar
The final version of this track: When escaping events that are falling apart, be leery of strangers offering gifts - particularly when they look like something out of Children Of The Corn and they offer to lob you into orbit with a giant catapult…
Al's left hand's avatar
Words are from a sestina of the same title by Steve Davenport, who asked us to make music out of it! This was a terribly fun song to record. We did it, of course, while drinking. Thankfully no instruments were harmed.
Al's left hand's avatar
Started recording this with no idea what to do with the sound. Wound up with three different vocal takes to choose from, didn't like any of them, used all of them.
AMUC's avatar
A well of thoughts continues, but who is it dreaming in the white room? Midnight has drifted away, and we're headed towards the dawn of the next day.
monopoli's avatar
Here the idea was that I was going to write from the viewpoint of someone who is paralyzed from the neck down and can through technology only watch other peoples life but not participate. It turned out a bit more general and ambiguous than that.
monopoli's avatar
1.Afsluitdijk a Dutch word and it's the name of the dam/road going from the province Friesland to North-Holland (and Amsterdam) The lyrics are about a 15-year old boy who feels so trapped in the boring Frisian town he's living in that he…
monopoli's avatar
1.Afsluitdijk a Dutch word and it's the name of the dam/road going from the province Friesland to North-Holland (and Amsterdam) The lyrics are about a 15-year old boy who feels so trapped in the boring Frisian town he's living in that he…
Al's left hand's avatar
Good old dulcimer bash-up. This is certainly the most aggressive song I've played on dulcimer. I'm sure all those people with solid-body electric dulcimers have done worse...