Robert James's listening history

Robert James's avatar
I ran out of 50/90 gas in late July when I was at 27 songs. I was trying to make a decent quality demo of each idea and it bogged me down to the point that I stopped trying. Now that we're in September I'm trying to make really quick and dirty…
Robert James's avatar
The week ten challenge is keep a song under two minutes? Done! Written in a parking lot while my step son played in a Magic the Gathering tournament. Another overly simple riff song with filler lyrics and an overly simple demo using GarageBand…
Robert James's avatar
The second of two songs written and recorded on Labor Day in my garage, using GarageBand. Woah! I don't care much for this one now that it's done, but for the first time in my songwriting life I think I have a song where the melody is my favorite…
Robert James's avatar
I didn't get shut out this year! My demo plans for 2016 are proving to be way too elaborate so I wrote and recorded this in GarageBand on my iPad in one sitting. The music is overly simple and the lyrics are throw away, but it's done. Guitars…
Robert James's avatar
This one is unusual for me in that I kinda like the melody but the riff is kind of a throw away. It’s almost always the other way around… or more likely I just hate it all. This is noteworthy for this year’s RPM Challenge in that it was the last…
Robert James's avatar
This one seems okay. I’m really tired tonight so I think I might listen tomorrow and find the mix is a disaster. Wait and see, I guess. Most of the guitar parts were worked out in January and then worked into a song in February. The lyrics are…
Robert James's avatar
I had the guitar parts for the three main sections of this one demoed out back in January so it doesn’t qualify for this year’s FAWM, but it does qualify for the RPM Challenge album. The lyrics are embarrassingly crappy, but someone I care about…
Robert James's avatar
I think I might like this one. It’s almost funky but not quite. It was sort of a throw away at first. I wanted to have x number of songs in progress by y date and this one was thrown together to make my deadline. As it progressed though, I started…
Robert James's avatar
My favorite part of this song is the D major 7 chord at 0:30, bar 19. I just wanted to share that. Robbie does not like the fascist in the white house at all. The sound of his voice makes Robbie want to vomit and the actual words fill Robbie…
Robert James's avatar
The first mix for the 2019 RPM Challenge. I’m pretty sure I am going to re-record the lead guitars before the month is over. The lyrics were inspired by an @_floridaman article about a guy who drove a Ferrari into the ocean because god told…