Robert James's listening history

Robert James's avatar
My post-RPM Challenge plan is to just keep going. Here's my first March 2020 Challenge song. I am trying to go much more raw and low-fi than usual. One guitar straight into one amp. No doubling, not extensive overdubs. Same with the vocals…
Robert James's avatar
I have loved this song for eons. Any time I've found myself in a cover band I've tried to get it into the set list but I have never once succeeded. I've never actually recorded a cover before. Prior to buying a Strat I had no desire to, but…
Robert James's avatar
A song about deadlines, the lyrics and melody were written during a free half an hour, hence the topic. This was supposed to have a clip from the movie Highlander at the beginning but I can't get to it right now. Picture Connor and Castigere…
Robert James's avatar
Think of this (lyrically speaking) as Anti-Vaxer's Lament Part 2. I wrote both lyrics at the same time. The rhythm guitars used Amplitube's Fender Twin app while the leads used Amplitube's Jimi Hendrix app.
Robert James's avatar
This was the first idea I came up with for my album-in-a-month for April. I didn't intend to have it be three distinct sections. I originally meant to have it bouncing between quiet and heavy every 8 or 16 bars. I like the way it turned out…
Robert James's avatar
This is from March but it was a bit of an after thought. I had planned on the 10th song being something else (it eventually made it into the April list) but I noodled this together on my iPad one night. I also recorded the rhythm guitars on…
Robert James's avatar
One of the few songs on my March Music list that entirely came from March, at least in terms of the music. The lyrics were written in May, but who's counting. The guitar solos were played on my new Strat. It feels so weird. The title comes…
Robert James's avatar
Tempest Fero Lives again! My first real band was called Tempest Fero. We shoulda rethought that name. Anyway, this was one of the first four or five songs we wrote. There should be keyboard, but I don't have the skill or the patience to…
Robert James's avatar
This is a rewrite of an RPM/FAWM song from February. I sped it up and added some muscle while changing up the vocal and lyrics. I like it much better now. (The old version is on my alonetone somewhere. It's called Forced)
Robert James's avatar
This song marks two milestones in my silly little music recording existence. First it is the very first time I recorded a song that used electric guitars that only used a Fender guitar. When I bought the Strat last weekend this was the only…