Robert James's listening history

Robert James's avatar
Not terribly thrilled with the mix, but otherwise this one is okay by me. The idea was to write one riff that repeats for the length of the song and then have the dynamics and the melody take care of differentiating between verses and choruses…
Robert James's avatar
Well this was a waste of time. Also, this will teach me not to listen to too much Pink Floyd while working on an internet songwriting challenge. I thought, it'll be cool! A droning bass violin with little piano and guitar noodles over it…
Robert James's avatar
I liked this one a lot more before I mixed it... I don't know what the lyrics are about. All I know is that my Strat's neck pickup is sah-weeet. The rhythm guitar is the Strat. The lead at the beginning is the Les Paul. The lead at the…
Robert James's avatar
I don't need every song to sound like a power trio, even if I want every song to be arranged for a power trio. Does that make sense? Also, is it the biggest cliche in the universe to write a song about writing a song? All of the guitars…
Robert James's avatar
This one came together really fast. I had spent most of my Sunday forcing two other songs out of my head and I was tired and not feeling all that pleased with the day's work. I figured I'd give it one more shot and went to my binkie. My security…
Robert James's avatar
I've had a very productive three day weekend kicking off 50/90. I have nine songs at various stages of completion. Now the question is, how badly do they suck? I have pretty much fallen in love with the sound of my Strat's neck pickup. Clean…
Robert James's avatar
I don't need every song to sound like a power trio, even if I want every song to be arranged for a power trio. Does that make sense? Also, is it the biggest cliche in the universe to write a song about writing a song? All of the guitars…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I'm almost done with this last CD by Wildgeas Music. I'm retiring to new stuff and new gear :) I wish to give many, many thanks to Bethan, Trevor, Michael, and Chris for helping me create this collection…
Breaking Light's avatar
first experiment with the new Boomerang pedal.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Kick the tires and light the fires.