Robert James's listening history

Tipu's avatar
I ended up using so much of the Chef's Surprise track by MMI that I wouldn't feel right without putting the name in the title as well :)
CMOR's avatar
Here's a recent poem of mine, set over a bed of house...
henwrench's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
The theme for Improv Friday this week is "variations". So here's an improv reconstruction of the one classical piece I know, Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.
Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Gary Fox's avatar
Apparently this song is the quintessential Gary Fox sound. That's probably because it's done with a special guitar with a special tuning. Anyway, my favorite part of the song is the mid-section. This is a "listen loud in the dark" sort of song.
Gary Fox's avatar
A song to get up and dance to, much like you get and dance when someone whose loudly voiced opinions you don't share is sent packing. Narcissism and hero worship have no place in a civilized world. ;)
Gary Fox's avatar
It will all be ok, really.
Gary Fox's avatar
This ain't no song about being pretty and watching out for nutty boyfriends...Listen more closely. ;)
Gary Fox's avatar
Come join me on this sonic joyride...I'm Saved