Robert James's listening history

Visions of Nell's avatar
(Tolar and Savigear 2011)
vaisvil's avatar
This is a composition for Jazz Quartet – Tenor Sax (sorry for the unrealistic stray notes), fretless bass, piano, and drums. All but the drums were preformed on my Fender Mustang + GR-20 retuned on the fly by Fractal Tune Smithy. The tuning…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another one from my ambient crackpot series. This features two instances of my new instrument the Novaphone 340 Imperial. A grand name for a grand instrument (Xylo just didn't do it justice). The first Novaphone is playing three samples…
vaisvil's avatar
A solo electric guitar piece. Strat copy in 17 edo, Marshall amp, zoom H2 recorder.
Drop D's avatar
Inspired by the french movie titled "The Element Of Crime." This is basically a night in the studio for some musical therapy via studio jam with myself.
Dave Berry's avatar
Facemask - vocals Dave Berry - music
thetworegs's avatar
Elvis had to have a dabble on this one.......
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has learned to fly............
Robert James's avatar
My fellow New Englanders and I are about to get spanked by Hurricane Irene. She's a scream.
thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…