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This one is the keeper. Every year there is one song that works for me from the first moment the idea starts bubbling up right through the exporting of the final mix. This is it for this year.

Another overtly political lyric over a repeating bass line. As for the guitars, I am all about fuzz pedals these days. Specifically Big Muffs and Big Muff clones. Specifically specifically Russian Big Muff clones. Almost every distorted rhythm guitar sound is partly due to a clone of a Russian Big Muff. Not this one. This one is a little Fuzz Face Mini pedal. The Band of Gypsies model to be precise. The rhythm guitars are my Les Paul through a Vox MV50’s direct out. The lead guitars are my Les Paul through a 15 watt Fender Bassbreaker.

and it goes around again
will it stop no one can say when
moving on toward the end
anything you want to recommend

stand up stand up
the time is now
rise up rise up
I’ll show you how
stand up stand up
you can’t back down
rise up rise up
you hear the sound

something new we’ve never seen
swallowed up in the machine
Road is clear conscience clean
Open your eyes and end this bad dream
