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We're in This Together

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This was the first idea I had for May Music 2020 or whatever the hell I’m calling this month’s project. I came up with the guitar riff using the fake guitar thingie in GarageBand. I “played” the riff using the fretboard on my iPhone. I sort of had high hopes that it would come out as a rockin’ 12-bar the way one of my February RPM Challenge songs had, but this one ended up just kinda blah. Oh, and somehow I managed to write social distance lyrics that feel super pretentious. Like, how do you make being afraid of a potentially fatal virus pretentious? I don’t know, but I did it. Yippee.

Rhythm guitars are my Les Paul into a Klon KTR overdrive pedal into a Fender Bassbreaker 15. The leads are my ES-335 Pro into a RYRA The Klone overdrive pedal into the Bassbreaker 15. There’s a whole story to explain why I used the 335 but I’m saving that for a blog post*. I might link it here later.

We’re in this together
If it takes forever
We’re in this together
If it takes forever
its for our friends and neighbors
we make this sacrifice

Verse 1
We take this hit for each other
its for our sisters and brothers
We take this hit for each other
its for our sisters and brothers
together we can make it work
we do this for one another

If its to much for you
Don’t think you can get through
If its to much for you
Don’t think you can get through
Don’t care, Don’t care
if you think this is true

Verse 2
Its like we’re called in to service
although it makes us all nervous
Its like we’re called in to service
although it makes us all nervous
so maybe if we do this right
we might get out of this circus


slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Yup that’s some sweet I phone riffin. The vocal took off at the register change ( higher voice) I like your stuff
