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Better Than Never

Robert James

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2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 28 becomes finished song number 46.

This one is okay. The chromatic thing almost works. It feels maybe a little forced. I don’t know why I didn’t come up with any vocal harmonies. It really feels empty at times.

The rhythm guitars are my Les Paul Standard into a Klon KTR into an Analog Man King of Tone into both a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 Clean, both running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The leads used the same two amps but the guitar was my ES-335 pro into a Real McCoy Customs RMC10 into an MXR Phase 95 into the KTR into a Keeley Super Phat Mod into an MXR Carbon Copy Mini.

Go someplace better
I must face the music

Verse 1
No place left
Your best guess

Verse 2
Times are tough
Things get rough

Its better than never
Together Forever

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