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Blink Your Eye (2015)

Robert James

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This song makes it’s third appearance on alonetone. Once from a cassette tape of the band playing it back in 1997, once from my first crack at an album in a month back in 2007, and now this.

This song was so simple and basic and nothing but it was an absolute BLAST to play. We nick named it Mega Closer due to the big noisy ending. I really can’t do the ending justice with a sequencer so I dumbed it down quite a bit. This was the rarest of rare songs in that I really enjoyed singing the lead. When the band was still together I actually looked forward to singing lead on this. That never, ever happens.

The lyrics are about the last two days I spent working in a dead end job that I had found myself stuck in for two years. After leaving I went back to school and started straightening my life out. So in that respect it’s pretty monumental.

The guitars are all my Les Paul.

Given up dealing with this
every day it’s always the same
gonna put a stop to it
gonna put an end to this pain

You’d be nothing if not for me
You’d have nothing for me

don’t even start
I’m smarter than that
smarter than your whole group combined
don’t deny me I deserve more than that
and you are just a waste of my time

don’t even think about it
don’t even try to insult me
don’t waste your time
don’t even start
don’t even think
I’ll be gone before you blink your eye

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