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Can't Defeat Us

Robert James

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My usual generic mid-tempo rock tune. This was written on the guitar rather than on a midi instrument in GarageBand, so I like it a little for that alone. Really though, the whole thing is worth it for the four bar disco break toward the end.

All the guitars are Les Paul into two Fender Bassbreakers. Rhythm uses a Klon KTR and a little MXR Phase 90? I think? The lead has a Wren and Cuff Tri Pi 70 into the KTR. Filthy.

please release us
can’t defeat us
try to cheat us
won’t mistreat us

please releases us
can’t defeat us
there’s no chance in hell you can beat us

Vesre 1
The day is getting closer now
We feel it getting better now
they’re never gonna break us down
We are all together now

Verse 2
we’re coming to the bitter end
he can’t even comprehend
all he does is condescend
now watch us as we apprehend

Judge and jury
put him away

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