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Fight Back

Robert James

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I had high hopes for this one when I first started working on it. Did it live up to the expectations? No way. Not even close. AlI I can hear when I listen to it is everything wrong with it. Why the hell did this one end up 5+ minutes long? It should be cut down to 2. Urgh.

Guitars are all Les Paul through the Fender Bassbreaker’s direct out. The leads use an EHX Soul Food pedal too.

what can we do
what can we say now
is this the end
let’s face it together
have to stand up
have to resist it
don’t let it end
we’ll fight back

Our future
in danger
Our people
left behind
we need our
voices heard
so many
fearful now

Never thought
It would happen
But somehow
I knew it would
So much hate
So much fear
We’re broken
and now this

it fell
deserve this

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