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Get Out of My Head

Robert James

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5090 Song number 10 of 50. I’m 20% complete.

Another 12 bar blues. This is the second one I’ve worked on so far. Expect 30 more. At least.

Nothing much to speak of about this one except that “forecast calls for ending it all” might be the best line I’ve ever come up with.

Guitars/amp are Les Paul Standard and Bassbreaker 15. Rhythm pedals used a Ryra the Klone. Lead used the Ryra and a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

Section A
Hard road, hard road ahead
No chance, leave me for dead
Forecast calls for ending it all
come on, get out of my head

Section B1 and B3
Its hard to believe,
we could be deceived
No objective recollection
There’s no in between

Section B2
I ask of myself,
completely tone deaf
No forgiveness no true witness
put back on the shelf

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