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Robert James

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Another one with an attempt to sort of improvise the rhythm guitar part. Some of it at least. Also, another one with a melody that… well… seemed like a good idea at the time.

The rhythm guitar is a Gibson SG, the lead is a Gibson Les Paul, the amp for both is a Fender Bassbreaker 15. No pedals, like some kinda amateur psychopathic nitwit.

Let’s all run with this
this is something new
Let’s try living it
see what we can do
we can’t get away
its got a hold on us
give in to defeat
get back on that bus

there’s no yesterday
there’s no tomorrow too
there’s no end to this
no matter what you do
we’re caught in a loop
and it won’t let go
we try to break out
can’t beat what you don’t know

why try harder
why try at all

take something for nothing
set it free
make something from nothing
set me free

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