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Take One for the Team

Robert James

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The Record Every Month Challenge asks us to record music every month. I failed in May. Well, I failed to finish any songs. I actually started 10 of them. I wanted to do an album in a month. Now it’s June and I want to do another album in a month while also finishing all of the unfinished stuff from May. I think I might need therapy.

I like this song. There’s nothing to it at all. It’s overly simplistic. I don’t care. I like it. It’s kinda groovy. I have changed my workflow a bit when it comes to recording guitars. I have decided to focus most of my guitar playing attention on early mornings before work, which means I am going direct rather than mic’ing up my amp. Mostly. Some songs will be one or the other and some will be both. This one used the direct output and built in cabinet simulation on my little Vox MV50 amplifier on all of the guitar tracks. The guitars are all my Les Paul Standard and the only pedal I used is an Analog Man King of Tone, which I was finally able to get after spending five years on the waiting list. Epic Tones, bro.

I’ve seen better days
I’ve had better ways
I’ve seen better days
I’ve had better ways
What do you know

So take one for the team
No guessing what it could mean
Now tell me how you feel
No way to know if it’s real

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