The Half of It
Robert James
2025 RPM Challenge song idea number five becomes finished song number 11.
I didn’t even realize that song idea number five (literally the song’s working title) was in 5/4 time. What a coincidence! Too bad the song wasn’t better. It’s kinda too long and too sloggy and boringish. Oh well.
The rhythm guitar in your left speaker is a Les Paul Custom. In your right is a Les Paul Standard. The pedal chain is a Wampler Tumnus into a TC Electronic Combo Deluxe amp sim pedal. The lead guitar is the Les Paul Standard and the pedal chain is a Dunlop Fuzzface Mini (the Band of Gypsies version) into the Combo Deluxe.
we may never know the half of it
everything gone down
There’s no telling if it was legit
too much going ‘round
Sing your praise
Ev’ry Day
Won’t have to be like this
Verse 1 and 3
I get it
It came true
The nightmare
Because of you
You sell out
you patsy
No amount
will be enough
Verse 2
give it away
Pure evil
Not happening