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They're On To Us

Robert James

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Well this one goes straight to the garbage pile. It’s not the worst song of the month but I would be pretty happy if I never heard it again as long as I live.

Unfortunately I have to hit 29:09 to qualify for National Solo Album Month and if I remove all the crap I come up two minutes short… so this one might go on the final album. Why do I even bother anymore?

Rhythm is Les Paul Standard ->Ryra The Klone ->Chicago Stompworks Mr Vermin ->Vox MV50 Clean. Lead is Les Paul Standard ->Dunlop crybaby wah ->Ryra the Klone ->Wren and Cuff Super Russian ->Vox MV50 Clean.

Carry on like nothing’s wrong
its gone forever
Try to act like we belong
I think they’re on to us

Verse 1
its almost like we meant to do it
we planned it all along
its almost like we could get through it
just the way it should be

Verse 2
Just tell yourself there’s nothing to it
we do this every day
don’t let them know we almost blew it
can you keep a secret

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