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This is the Trick

Robert James

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You know, 50/90 starts in a week. I probably should not be wasting new song ideas now when I could wait a week and have them count toward the fifty songs. Oh well.

Written on Saturday. Recorded on Saturday and Sunday. Mixed before work on Monday. A nice little weekend song.

I mixed this with Apple AirPod Pros that don’t fit all that well so if you listen to this and the bass blows your head off I apologize.

I used my Les Paul Standard and my Vox AC15 for all of the guitar tracks. The rhythm used a Dunlop Cry Baby wah (already regretting that choice, the wah seems lame here) and a Chicago Stompworks Blooze Maker. I’m trying to love that pedal. I want to. I just don’t. Every now and then I force the issue and this song is an example. I used the tremolo on the amp in a few spots. I turned it on for the first verse, off for the bridge between verses, then back on with the depth and speed turned up a smidge for the second verse. I turned it up a bit more for the solo at the end. I like how the tremolo on the two rhythm tracks is out of sync. It makes it feel like a panning trick. I also did something different for the lead. I used two low gain overdrive pedals with the volumes cranked and the drives set low. The Blooze Maker was first with the drive at around noon, then the Ryra the Klone was next with the drive barely on at all. I then used the pick ups switch and the volume knobs on the guitar to change the tone a smidge for the different solos. It was interesting. I might do more of that in the future.

This is the trick we’re playing
the price is not worth paying
we pulled the rug from under
left with the sound of thunder

Verse 1
Feel it the sense of wonder
Know it will not come true
Fooled you they’ve got your number
They knew you through and through

Verse 2
Its like you see the future
as if you knew the drill
I think this could be cooler
I know it never will

The key to living
is do not care
its no use giving
what you don’t have

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