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Why Can't You Be Cool (remix)

Robert James

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The lyrics were inspired by a story I read via the @floridaman twitter account. I find myself going there for lyric ideas ALL THE TIME!

Before RPM14 started there was a thread in the forum discussing someone’s plan to do an RPM every month for the whole year. My first reaction was that it would get way to repetitive and therefore wouldn’t end up with much in the way of good results.

Of course as soon as RPM14 ended I started working on March. I didn’t finish that month on time so I started April’s. There are 10 songs for the month. I might finish in time.

All of the guitars this month are using various versions of the amplitube app on my iPad. On this song the rhythm guitars are the Fender Twin Reverb, and the leads are the Jimi Hendrix bundle.

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