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Robert James

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2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 40 becomes finished song number 37.

Where have I heard this one before? Oh yeah, it’s alarmingly similar to the last song I posted (called Celebrate). The music for the two songs were written a few days apart and they are almost the same, especially the outro. Oh well. The 50 songs in 90 days challenge doesn’t ask how, it only asks how many.

The rhythm guitars are my Les Paul Standard into an Analog Man King of Tone into both a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 Clean, both running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The lead guitar is an ES-335 Pro into a Real McCoy Customs RMC10 into a Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian into a Klon KTR into a Seymour Duncan Vapor Trails into the same two amps.

Every minute
Every second
Too explicit
Response deadened

Through the window
If you say so
Stuck in limbo
Wouldn’t you know

Verse 1 & 3
What I want
beside the point
It won’t matter what I think
It’s all thought
and overwrought
It’s lost in the final blink

Verse 2
On look out
it’s all about
whatever was left behind
I don’t get
Why I’m upset
It’s all just a poor design

I wouldn’t stay anyway
It’s still the same everyday

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