Room 34's listening history

monopoli's avatar
My Clique-contribution with some added ambientsound recorded from my window. This is partly the traditional filler-track but I quite like the ambientsound. If I do a record next year (I probably won't) it will most likely be just 35 minutes of…
monopoli's avatar
Here the idea was that I was going to write from the viewpoint of someone who is paralyzed from the neck down and can through technology only watch other peoples life but not participate. It turned out a bit more general and ambiguous than that.
monopoli's avatar
1.Afsluitdijk a Dutch word and it's the name of the dam/road going from the province Friesland to North-Holland (and Amsterdam) The lyrics are about a 15-year old boy who feels so trapped in the boring Frisian town he's living in that he…
autophage's avatar
Bass noodling with effects.
autophage's avatar
Bass noodling with effects.
Room 34's avatar
My big hit, I guess. Everyone seems to love this track. I do too. It's inspired by The Mars Volta's track "L'Via L'Viaquez," but I took things in more of a Pink Floyd direction with the extended synth solo that is evocative of the instrumental…
another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
kavin.'s avatar
For the RPMC album "Sabbatical"
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
red cowboy and hot burrito were recordings done for a friend of mine who wanted to check out his new (old) drum machine. Both drum parts are constructed from prerecorded beats (from presets or previous owner, I don't know) and have 4-5 bass tracks…
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
When I put these last 3 songs on itunes, my computer did something weird. It told me that these songs were already out there on the internet somewhere. So, in order not to infringe on any copyright laws, I would like to assure everyone that NONE…