ryanwolper's listening history

Erik Spangler's avatar
A track created for a character called Rainy, on the North walk (entitled "Life Is Monumental") of "Charm City Remix", a site-specific narrative by Kianga Ford.
bodoz's avatar
something i did with garageband software instruments, composing thru the keyboard, when i first got a macbook.
bodoz's avatar
something i did with garageband software instruments, composing thru the keyboard, when i first got a macbook.
bodoz's avatar
something i did with garageband software instruments, composing thru the keyboard, when i first got a macbook.
bodoz's avatar
something i did with garageband software instruments, composing thru the keyboard, when i first got a macbook.
 ShamPain's avatar
Folky song about a mans life at sea. written a few years ago.
 ShamPain's avatar
Very rough sketch of something I am working on, with my even sketchier vocals. All about how we seem to be intent on using up everything this planet has to offer. Any ideas or comments please
 ShamPain's avatar
Right then, for the last few days I have been playing with a new program. ableton live 8. very different from what I have been using and am still trying to get it all sorted. This is my first effort with it and also my first ever go using vst…
ryanwolper's avatar
Abstract sound collage. I attempted to combine multiple layers of different guttural depths as well as higher frequencies to complete a range that creates a dark and humid atmosphere. The tracks were recorded sounds that were then cut up and organized…
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
This Song (Recorded and written in 06) done the conventional way. I Wrote the words 1st. I was thinking I would like to write a song kinda like those of the old days. Pretty straight forward and Not too abstract. I need to redo because the chorus…