Sludge Train Muzik

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Lalo Oceja's avatar
this is a small concerto for violin and orchestra. First movement. Op. 20
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has left re-hab but now he has to fill those sober hours with something, so he has taken to people watching, but like everything in his life he has become addicted to it, listening in on there private conversation as he follows them, watching…
Sludge Train Muzik's avatar

Sludge Train Muzik was a basement label in Minneapolis MN in the 80’s that released a single cassette. That cassette forever changed the history of modern music. Kidding. It didn’t do shit. But we liked it anyways. Now it has evolved into Omby Amby Music in Portland OR, which releases kick-ass new classic rock songs into an indifferent, media-saturated universe. For the kids.

from Portland OR, US

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